Our work with the

APPG for Whistleblowing

WhistleblowersUK works on a regular basis with the UK APPG for Whistleblowing, an informal group of MPs and Peers who all seek to provide stronger protection for Whistleblowers.

The purpose of this survey is to gather evidence from as wide an audience as possible across all sectors. The information will be professionally interpreted and provided to the APPG. The APPG will assess the report and use the results to inform their recommendations for improved whistleblower protection. These recommendations will be available in an interim report planned for June 2019. 

All personal information will be managed in line with GDPR and all respondents will remain anonymous unless they agree to waive.

Please indicate whether you would like to appear in person to provide the APPG with your experience as a whistleblower. You will be sent further information and an additional questionnaire as part of this process.